Our thoughts…

Our book of the month for June has been absolutely gripping – read in a weekend and it only took that long because life happened! This was Caroline Bond’s debut novel and to go back to her first published book was a treat because it was so well written, well plotted and very very compelling. This book will challenge you to analyse your own response to the dilemmas that were contained within it and possibly by the end of it will have you uncertain of what choices you might have made.

The characters were absolutely brilliant and the book being written from their different perspectives was refreshing and kept the story alive. Seeing how each character interpreted a situation and what was important enough to them to narrate (or not) was very interesting. Their voices came through strongly – grown up adults facing difficult decisions and a teenager’s voice too. It’s often difficult to write a varied set of characters in this way but Caroline has a fantastic talent which was easy to see throughout this book. If you’re not used to multiple narrations or you find them hard to follow don’t be put off because the short chapters in this book really helped to keep the reader hooked and following the situation.

Caroline’s portrayal of disability and her understanding of communication, quirks and personality was absolutely brilliant. She handles difficult often neglected topics with ease and care. Everything about life in general is included within this book – the arguing, the grime, the challenges… nothing is avoided. The situation feels absolutely unheard of but at the same time written in such a realistic way. There’s so much to discuss after finishing this book and still many unanswered questions – always the sign of a good book when it leaves you reeling afterwards and craving more of the characters stories.

About the Book…

Why do you love your child? Is it because they’re a straight A student, a talented footballer? Or is it simply because they’re yours?

Sarah and Phil love both their children, James and Lauren. The couple have the same hopes and aspirations as any parent. But their expectations are shattered when they discover that their perfect daughter has been born with a flaw; a tiny, but life-changing glitch that is destined to shape her future, and theirs, irrevocably.

Over time the family learn to adapt and even thrive. Then one day a blood test casts doubt on the very basis of their family. Lauren is not Phil’s child. Suddenly, their precious family is on the brink of destruction. But the truth they face is far more complex and challenging than simple infidelity. It tests their capacity to love, each other and their children, and it raises the question of what makes – and what breaks – a family.

Genre: Contemporary Fiction/ Domestic Fiction
Publication: 2018

Buy the Box…

You can buy the box by visiting this link and it includes a signed edition of the book as well as all of our usual goodies.

About the Author…

Caroline Bond was born in Scarborough and studied English at Oxford University before working as a market researcher for 25 years. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Leeds Trinity University, and lives in Leeds with her husband and three children.

Caroline is the author of four books. Her latest, The Legacy, is set in her childhood home town of Scarborough. She has been making up stories since she was a child. Her ambition to be a screenwriter lead her into writing novels after a long, interesting career in research which saw her spend time in a wide range of environments, from prisons to the Institute of Directors.

She writes about family in all its glory, complexity and awfulness.

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