I'll never tell

Twenty years ago Amanda washed up on the shore of Camp Macaw in a rowboat, with a gash on her head. Multiple people were interviewed, many were suspected, but no arrest was ever made. Twenty years later the children of owners of Camp Macaw are pushed together once again for the reading of The Will – and an all important vote.

There are lots of questions throughout this book and the answers take a bit of time and unravelling – which is great for keeping the reader hooked. It’s really hard to describe what it’s about – a group of siblings that get together and must decide whether their brother is guilty of the attack twenty years ago….? But it’s about so much more than just that at the same time. The characters are built up carefully, lots of attention to detail and constructing their personas – a great read.

About the author: Catherine McKenzie is the author of many books – I’ve only read one of her previously published books however and therefore quite glad to be reminded of her as an author. Born and raised in Canada, Catherine practices law in Montreal – and has numerous bestsellers!




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