Dreaming of Tuscany

The glamour of Hollywood. The magic of the Tuscan countryside. One big decision…

I love T.A. Williams books and I generally pick them up in between psychological thrillers for a bit of light relief. Usually, there is sunshine (apart from Dreaming of Christmas which is self explanatory!) and that’s what makes Williams books even more addictive. Sun, sea, beautiful locations and a great main character or two.

What can I say about this book? It’s perfect for a light hearted read. The descriptions of Italy in general were fantastic, the Tuscan Villa just beautiful and the hot summer walks really transport you to the time of a heatwave.

Publication day is tomorrow! (11th February 2019). It looks like this book is only going to be available on Kindle (according to Amazon) similar to his previous books, and at the moment and it’s just £1.99.



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