This is a fascinating genre-spanning book that doesn’t easily fit into the categories we usually try and assign to books!

This book prompted a plethora of emotions for me, there was nostalgia from the start with the throwbacks to Paul and Kate’s childhoods. I loved the references to the past and this really prompted some memories and emotions.

So many topical issues that are current even today, were covered throughout the past and present aspects of this book. I really loved Holly’s sensitive handling of these and many of her approaches to the issues were thought-provoking and insightful. So too, is the reminder that the older years talked about in the book weren’t that long ago at all…

It’s worth also noting… Having read ‘Don’t Close Your Eyes’ by Holly Seddon, I had expectations for something different to what this was. Assuming that the genre would be the same or similar was a mistake, and this was something else entirely but definitely not disappointing.

About the Book…

Sometimes a promise becomes a prison.

Fearing eternal singledom, childhood friends Kate and Paul make the age-old vow that if they don’t find love by thirty, they will marry each other.

Years later, with the deadline of their 30th birthdays approaching, the unlikely couple decide to keep their teenage promise. After all, they are such good friends. Surely that’s enough to make a marriage?

Now, on the eve of their 10th wedding anniversary, they will discover that love between men and women is more complex, and more precarious, than they could ever have imagined. As Kate struggles with a secret that reaches far into their past, will the couple’s vow become the very thing that threatens their future?

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication: 7th June 2018

About the Book Box…

You can order the book box here. It includes a copy of the book signed by Holly Seddon as well as lots of other goodies! Hampshire Candles has also created a beautifully scented Wax Bar, just for this book.

About the Author…

Holly Seddon is a full-time writer, until recently living in the middle of Amsterdam with her husband James and a house full of children and pets. Holly has written for newspapers, websites and magazines since her early 20s after growing up in the English countryside, obsessed with music and books.

Connect with the Author…

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